Committee on Representation and Nominations (CoRN)
The Committee on Representation and Nomination’s main function shall be to advise the Synod regarding the principles of unity and diversity; to advocate for diversity in leadership; and, to consult with the Synod on the employment of personnel, in accordance with the principles of unity and diversity in F-1.0403. (G-3.0103)
Every effort will be made to identify members to be fully representative of presbyteries within the Synod and broadly representative of the constituency of the Synod and in conformity with the church’s commitment to unity and diversity as set forth in F-1.0403. (G-3.0111).
RE Cecil Patterson (GC)
Rev. Amy Pospichal (SB)
Rev. Takako S. Terino (SF)
CP Charlotte Fafard (GC)
Rev. Ed Katzenberger (SF)
RE Cindy Michels (GC)
RE Maddie Bosma (deC), Moderator
RE Eloise Fredrickson (deC)
CP Nancy Maushak (SB)
RE Conrad Rocha (SF)
RE Sharon Yates (SF)
Finance & Property
The committee shall be composed of 10 members. Responsibilities assigned to the committee include developing the operating budget for the synod, making recommendations concerning synod per capita, and propose budget adjustments to synod during the year. The committee shall provide reports to the synod regarding its status. The annual budget of the synod for the following year will be presented for adoption at the annual meeting in October.
The Committee will recommend to the Synod the use of restricted and unrestricted funds, and review proposals from within the synod and/or presbyteries for specific projects which may fulfill the regional ministry objectives of the synod.
Finance & Property Committee
RE Bill Belvin (SF)
Rev. Charles W. Proudfoot (GC)
2022 Partial
Rev. Caryn Thurman (SB), Moderator
RE June Lorenzo (SF)
Rev. Steve Melde (deC)
Rev. William Voight (deC)
Rev. Daniel Albertson (GC)
Rev. Mary Harris (deC)
RE Betty Faye Ragan (SB)
RE Conrad Rocha (SF)
RE Mary Lynn Walters
RE Sharon Yates (SF)
Communication Team
The Synod shall have a communication team of 8 members, two of whom shall be commissioners, representing all four presbyteries. The team shall enhance the comprehensive communication of the synod and developing effective communication tools by:
Optimizing the website as an interactive communication tool;
Using assorted media to communicate with congregations and presbyteries, such as: website, email, bulletin and newsletter inserts, synod newsletter, DVD/CD for interpretation and teaching;
Encouraging face-to-face communication;
Using web-based resources for leadership training and development.
Communication Team
Rev. Seth Finch, Moderator
Rev. Georges Bitar (deC)
Rev. Andrew Black (SF)
Claire Lewis (SF)
Rev. Andy McComb (deC)
RE Milinda Benallie (GC)
RE Brent Brewer (SB)
RE Virginia Halwood (GC)
RE Tom Blake (SB)
RE Jennifer Holmes (SF)
RE Lawn Griffiths (GC)
Rev. Eric Ledermann (GC)
RE Tiffany Lo-Finch (SF)
Rev. Elizabeth Toland Smith (deC)
Native American Ministries Coordinating Committee
The Native American Ministries Committee shall be composed of 10 members from any of the four presbyteries who have ministries. The responsibilities are:
(a) Native American ministries in the Synod of the Southwest and its presbyteries and to engage in dialogue with the Synod and its presbyteries about the nature of that ministry.
(b) Will relate to other synods’ caucuses as appropriate regarding Native American ministry;
Will relate to the General Assembly Consulting Committee;
Shall identify opportunities for Native American leadership development in the Synod and its presbyteries and participate in national leadership development opportunities as appropriate.
Staff to the committee will be a staff person who is from among the presbyteries or synod, or the synod executive, or a person so designated by the synod.
Native American Ministries Coordinating Committee
RE Gwen Capitan (SF)
CP Danny Halwood (GC)
RE Lou Ann Johnson (SF)
RE Thomas Jones (GC)
RE Ruth Van Otten (deC)
RE Millinda Benallie (GC)
RE Tony Davis (GC)
CP Charlotte Fafard (GC)
RE Peggy Barnett (SF)
RE Aaron King (GC), Moderator
RE Nelson Capitan (SF)
RE Virginia Halwood (GC)
Rev. Norma McCabe (GC)
Rev. Judith Wellington (SF)
RE Conrad Rocha (SF)
RE Sharon Yates (SF)
Hispanic Ministries Coordinating Committee
The committee shall be composed of 10 members. Every effort shall be made to represent all four presbyteries. They shall discuss Hispanic ministries in the Synod and its presbyteries and engage in dialogue with the Synod and its presbyteries about the nature of that ministry. The committee:
Will relate to other synods’ caucuses as appropriate regarding Hispanic ministry.
Shall identify opportunities for Hispanic leadership development in the Synod and its presbyteries, and participate in national leadership development opportunities.
Shall encourage the Synod and its presbyteries in carrying out their historic multi-cultural mission work in light of the present realities.
Will designate the leadership to attend the biennial assembly of the National Hispanic Presbyterian Caucus, and will notify the synod executive/stated clerk 60 days prior to the deadline for submission of names required.
Offer and publicize a wide-range of opportunities for education and involvement of people of all ages with regard to border issues and realities, consistent with GA policy and recognizing that people within the synod have multiple perspectives about undocumented immigrants.
Communicate appropriate information and emergent border realities before the synod.
Hold border conferences.
Plan face-to-face mission opportunities which include visits to and conversations with people on the border – in their churches, homes or various work places.
Create opportunities for communication with one another and government officials in pursuit of changes in legislation affecting the border on the state or national levels.
List on the synod website border-related resources available for all age levels.
Staff to the committee will be a staff person who is Hispanic from among the presbyteries or synod, or the synod executive, or a person so designated by the Executive Committee.
Hispanic Ministries Coordinating Committee
CP Josefina Ahumada (deC), Moderator
RE Lawn Griffiths (GC)
RE Gloria Mirabel (SF)
RE Betty Ricardo (GC)
Rev. Erin Tamayo (GC)
Rev. Ginna Bairby (SF)
Annette Joyner
RE Conrad Rocha (SF)
RE Sharon Yates (SF)
Personnel Committee
The committee shall be composed of 10 members. Every effort shall be made to represent all four presbyteries. They shall discuss Hispanic ministries in the Synod and its presbyteries and engage in dialogue with the Synod and its presbyteries about the nature of that ministry. The committee:
The committee shall be composed of 10 members, two shall be commissioners. The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for personnel matters, nominate synod staff, and consult with other governing bodies in administrative staff process as outlined in G-9.0404.